
Mt. Baldy; California, USA
Mt. Baldy; California, USA

My name is Ayisha Emerson and I am the brains behind this operation. As a University of Southern California undergraduate student, I am still learning and exploring the world around me.

When I’m not spending hours on end in an over-air conditioned classroom, I am exploring the new place I call home: London, England. For the next five months I will be living, breathing and exploring a place famous for its princes (a girl can dream), red busses, and stoic Grenadier Guards.

On a more personal note, I love being active. Besides hiking, I enjoy “fun runs”, love biking, and trying new things. Film and theatre are also an integral part of my existence. Over dramatic, you say? Well, perhaps, but I actually grew up acting in countless theatre productions so this passion is here with me for the long run.

This website is actually something new to me. I am yours; an open book for all to read. For you to watch my growth, my learning and my experiences cumulate over time.


And as I say…

adventure awaits

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